This is my reading list. You can read all of these if you like, but the true understanding comes with putting what you learn into practice.

The Zone: How to get in it, and stay in it.
Social Engineering: The Art of Psychological Warfare, Human Hacking Persuasion & Deception
Dark NLP: How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming For Self Mastery, Getting What You Want, Mastering Others, And To Gain An Advantage Over Anyone
Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance
Banned Charisma Secrets Unleashed
Seduction Psychology: Body Language
The Like Switch:
Reality is Plastic
The 10x Rule
7 Habits of Highly Self Confident People
The Art of War
Art of Seduction
Millionaire Mind
48 Laws of Power
Close like a Pro
Memory Improvement
How2TextHer – PUA guide to texting psychology
The Game
Natural Seduction