My Muse Crew is a hand selected group of amazing girls that I work with regularly. They are all in exclusive muse contracts, which means their entire image is managed by AMM. Unlike other signed models with AMM, models in the #musecrew are not available for booking by other photographers. They are available for brand work which includes photography and video services provided by me, as well they will be available for select photographers by invite only at Allurism workshops coming in 2019. Each member of the Muse Crew is entitled to a nice percentage of all work referred, as well a cut of Patreon’s monthly earning. They are, in essence, invested sales representatives for the brand. They hold seats of power in deciding who we sign, the clients we take on, and the fun excursions we plan for ourselves and clients. Without further adieu, I introduce for the first time officially on the site, Allurism’s Muse Crew.

Savannah Marie