So you’re new to this whole modeling thing and you don’t know quite where to start? No worries! That’s what this page is for! There’s a lot of information, but it’s all the important stuff.
Let’s start with your basic information.
I’ve set up this easy form so you don’t have to think up everything. Most of this information will be used for descriptive writing.
>>>Model Information Form<<<
Everything from this moment forward is done to create celebrity in your name. Celebrity is defined as the state of being well known. So let’s get you well know. I am your marketing partner. If you succeed, I succeed. Seriously don’t be afraid to bounce ideas. My last creative session lasted almost five hours at a sushi bar.
Crowd Funding. Fill out your profile! The profile tab in your CF Dashboard is public. I wouldn’t put your phone number on there. Website and facebook would definitely be good things to fill out though. As well as a profile picture!
Create a campaign. It goes in for approval with me before the public sees it, so feel free to play around. I am happy to help with any photo or video needs you have. You’re welcome to do stuff on your own here too. Candid, real, videos bring people in.