Unless superseded by written and signed release of images by the owner of Allurism.com, these terms apply. All rights reserved to allurism.com for all media posted to this website, it’s social and sales platforms, as well as models’ websites and social platforms. Usage rights shared solely to the person in the images. This release is non transferable. No other parties may post, sell, or otherwise claim ownership of rights or creation. Images posted behind a paywall, are products to be sold. Failure to comply to terms shown here will result in suit for theft. All images posted on social media are for the purpose of promoting allurism models. Sharing is appreciated with the following terms. Instagram must tag @allurismgirls, @allurism_magazine, and the model. @allurIsm on Facebook, or for sites where tagging is not available, post in the caption, “📸allurism.com 💃🏻(Model’s name)” Spelling our photographer and model is also acceptable. All images are always posted with watermark. Watermark must remain in tact as placed upon delivery or posting.